"Fairness and integrity is the fundamental core of my practice and forms the heart of everything I do here at King & Company as a professional advocate."

Insurance &
Dispute Resolution

Darius Isaacs, Partner


Defendant Insurance Litigation, Dispute Resolution, Civil Litigation


LLB (Hons), BComm, BA.  Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Queensland.  Solicitor of the High Court of Australia.


Darius is a Partner in our Dispute Resolution and Litigation Group who undertakes all forms of civil litigation, with a particular focus on professional indemnity and public liability matters.  With over 18 years’ experience, Darius is a seasoned practitioner who can implement the right litigation strategy tailored to the demands and nuances of each individual case.  Darius has either appeared directly or had the conduct of matters in all Superior Courts in Queensland and New South Wales, the Federal Court of Australia, the High Court of Australia and the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission.

Darius takes a forensic approach to the conduct of each matter to ensure that every last detail, no matter how minor, does not get overlooked.  This comprehensive approach allows for the identification of the real issues in dispute in a matter so that a clear plan can be adopted early in the process to suit the needs of the client.  Every step along the way is a considered part of a larger process to ensure each matter is ready to go to trial as and when required.  Even when the client’s prospects may appear slim from the outset, experience has shown that the right preparation and approach to litigation can still result in a favourable outcome.  Over the years, this approach of treating every matter as a potential future Court case has resulted in Darius having resolved literally hundreds of matters without the need for a full hearing and at considerably lower expense to the client.

Darius is a member of the Australian Professional Indemnity Group and the Australian Insurance Law Association.  Darius is frequently recognised by his peers with inclusion on “Best Lawyers for Australia”.

“My clients are often repeat players in the litigation field so the manner in which a case is handled is often as important as the final outcome.  I find my client’s interests are best protected by adopting a courteous, respectful and diligent approach during the litigation process to all persons who may be involved, be it opposing solicitors or counsel, client representatives, expert witnesses, the front desk receptionist or the chief executive officer.  Professionalism is not simply a marketing slogan with me, it is how I conduct myself on behalf of my clients for each and every matter that is entrusted into my care.”

Darius is an avid cyclist who still likes to pin on a number only to get beaten by other fitter, leaner and faster cyclists.  Darius is also a proud Brisbane Lions supporter who believes this year is THE year and at present is the undisputed Catan champion of his household.

Darius holds a current practicing certificate from the Queensland Law Society.

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