“Providing a professional and reliable conveyancing service is a key requirement for any successful property transaction and is a strong part of the King & Company ethos.”

Commercial, Advisory
& Property 

Gabrielle Dunks, Paralegal


Property Transactions: Conveyancing and Leasing


Queensland Justices Association (Justice of the Peace (Qual.))


Gabrielle is an experienced paralegal who joined King & Company team in 2023, having previously undertaken work for a number of prominent Queensland developers at a large national firm.

Her primary area focus is property acquisition and disposals, which includes residential, commercial and off-the-plan conveyances, as well as acting on Local Government overdue rates matters.  She also assists with the firm’s government, retail and commercial leasing matters across various jurisdictions nationally.

Gabrielle has an extensive background in both traditional and electronic mediums for property matters and is fully proficient with PEXA transactions.

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