Commercial, Advisory
& Property

Property Law & Conveyancing

We’ve been undertaking transfers (including contract documentation where necessary), easements, resumptions, leasing, commercial negotiations and all other property and commercial matters for our Council clients for many years.

At any given time, we’ll hold instructions for anything from minor resumptions for easements and road widening to major resumptions for refuse and waste-water treatment infrastructure.  Resumptions of native title, acquisitions under section 15 of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967 and resumptions for planning purposes under the Planning Act 2016 and its predecessors are grist to the King & Company mill as are the preparation of covenants linked to development approvals, leases of Council land (freehold, Crown leasehold and Crown reserve) to community organisations and for commercial purposes, the sale of land for arrears of rates, ordinary “cottage” conveyances and commercially oriented conveyances involving the use of the enterprise powers in the Local Government Act 2009.

We defend compulsory acquisition compensation claims on behalf of local governments in the Land Court and are fully conversant with the relevant law and the practice and procedure of that Court.

As well, our litigation team works extensively in rates and debt recovery, notably including the sale of land for overdue rates which requires specialised knowledge and experience.  We’ve been providing advice, template notices and contracts, and other documentation to our local government clients about this for many years.  We’ve also attended auctions, in conjunction with Council officers, to give Councils certainty about the processes adopted.

Our busy commercial leasing section handles the leasing documentation for our large property company clients.

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