Local Government Law

Councillor Conduct

Our experience in this area of local government law is extensive from acting for a Council client in the successful prosecution of one of its own Councillors for misconduct to appearing on behalf of the LGAQ during the Crime and Corruption Commission’s Operation Belcarra public hearings and, in 2018, participating with the LGAQ in a State-wide online broadcast to all Queensland local governments to explain legislative changes to the way Councillors were to deal with conflicts of interest.

In May 2021 we prepared for the LGAQ a comprehensive written submission to the Chair of the Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Commission (PCCC) seeking an independent inquiry into the conduct of the CCC about its April 2018 decision to charge with fraud seven Logan City Council Councillors.  Our 28-page submission is described on the PCCC website as the complaint upon which the ensuing inquiry was based.  The final report of the PCCC contained significant recommendations for the reform of the CCC’s operations.

We’re regularly called on to advise Councils and their CEOs on whether conduct constitutes a “suspicion” of corrupt conduct, misconduct or inappropriate conduct and is therefore reportable to the CCC or the Office of the Independent Assessor.  And we frequently provide advice on the meaning and application of “prescribed conflict of interest” and “declarable conflict of interest”.

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