Local Government Law

Planning & Environment

Right now, we hold instruction in multiple Planning and Environment Court proceedings, including appeals and enforcement proceedings seeking declarations and injunctions.  We also handle claims for compensation for injurious affection following changes to a town plan and planning prosecutions.  While we aim to avoid engaging our clients in litigation whenever possible, we’re still in Court most weeks for directions hearings, reviews, callovers and so on and at least one week in any given month, we’re conducting trials or contested/declaration/injunction applications.

We advise our local government clients on the full range of planning law issues and for planning prosecutions and enforcement, we hold not just a complete library of precedent documents but intimate knowledge of procedures so we can place a matter before the Court within a day or two of receiving instructions, or even on the same day for urgent matters.

We’re well versed in drafting all sorts of highly specialised development agreements for special projects and arrangement including for open space, roads, water, sewage and drainage and we have extensive experience assisting Councils draft planning schemes and other instruments, including temporary local planning instruments.

For more information, go to our PLANNING & ENVIRONMENT main page. 

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